Sonu Sood’s highly anticipated action-drama “Fateh” kicked off its theatrical journey with a modest start at the box office. The film, which features the actor in a gripping tale...
Hyderabad (Telangana) , January 07: Lux Hospitals , Hyderabad, proudly announces the launch of the ENDOANAL Real-Time Ultrasound-Guided Laser Procedure...
New Delhi October 21: Adda247, India’s premier multilingual learning platform backed by Google, Westbridge, Info Edge, and Asha Impact, has announced the remarkable...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) October 16: From the vibrant streets of Bandra to the glamorous stages of Bollywood and Hollywood, 27-year-old Tariq Khatri is making...
Mumbai (Maharastra) ,October 16: Stable internet connectivity has become more important than anything else in today’s fast paced digital world. With the rising demand...